Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Use and misuse of technology Essays

Use and misuse of technology Essays Use and misuse of technology Paper Use and misuse of technology Paper English 111 Use and misuse of technology in higher education The use of technology in higher education has become a very critical point in Schools, Universities, and many other learning institutions. Teachers, school educators however found it very helpful to increase the number of students attending colleges and provide a better way of learning. Mind you, students now can attend colleges no matter where in the world they are located. They can apply to colleges, register for classes and even attending the classes distantly. Despite all of those good things that are possible due to technology, some students fall deeply into sing it in an abusive manner. They have become more and more dependent on technology to do their school works. In classroom, many students are armed with iPads, laptops, tablets and other electronic devices. Furthermore, studies have shown that many students interact more with these devices than with the books. Consequently, they get distracted and lose their focus in the class. Yet teachers are in disagreement with this invasion which is technology in classroom, they are also working very hard to come up with other methods of teaching that will help these students to be more focus and lessen their attention on their daily routine which is sing their toys while in class. While this war is on between digital native (young people who have grown up in immersive computing environment) digital immigrant (people who have yet to learn how to use a computer), thinkers are analyzing the issue and come with answers that will help proving that technology in higher education can be misused and at the same time useful in higher education. To expand the topic, the following lines will discuss the misuse of technology in higher education, its use; also give some recommendations that will help student be more successful in their education . First, technology is misused by some students are hacking into the school severs, using email to intimidate or threaten other students. They are downloading music and plagiarizing information from the internet and use them as their own. They are constantly checking the cellular phones during class time, accessing pornographic web sites, and playing video games during in class. This is an uncontrollable situation. While the use of technology is supposed to bring changes in the traditional way that teachers used to teach, student used to learn but still doesnt prevent some students taking advantage of these changes and use them s they want. Second, Technology in higher education has also affected humans interaction in classroom. Since technology has been introduced as an alternative for teaching back in 1900s, it has gradually take the place of the human teachers and now students mostly rely on computers, television and other electronic devices as the computer at home that will help them do their work. Although this technology brings certain benefits in the classroom, it also causes some students to be unexcited and lazy to learn at school. They believe that learning by themselves using the computer is a much better and faster. However, these students are wrong. Cynthia M. Frisby, associate professor of Strategic communication at the University of Missouri, has noticed students on Myspace and eBay during her lectures. She has also noticed more failing grades. The final straw, she says, came in an e-mail from a student complimenting my outfit, failing to realize that the time stamp was on the e- mail, further suggesting that he was not paying attention to my lecture. Now she bans laptops in her large lecture courses and has a clause in her syllabus about the inappropriate use of technology. The result? Huge increases in attention and better erformance on exams, she says. Students have even mentioned that they feel like they are doing better without the laptop. This anecdote clearly shows that students are still young and curious but they need an ongoing motivation, guidance, and support to excel in education. While technology in higher education is being misuse by certain users, it is important that we mention some great features that technology allows us to do. In addition, due to technology our children are able to acquire a lot of skills. This is the first time in history that students have the ability to research any topic. They are not obligated to be in a classroom or in a library. Technology has unlocked the doors to an ocean-wide of information, which is not always accurate. Therefore, they need to learn and look carefully through it all and get the good stuff. This ocean-wide of information and current vault of technology has also allowed students to truly engage themselves in their education by developing personal educational plans or studying fields that may interest them. When students take full responsibility and engage themselves in their own learning in order to reach his or her own ultimate oal, everybody wins. For example, a chemistry teacher might want his or her students to do a project about Chemical Structures, Acid and Bases. Each student could choose a specific part of the topic that tickles their interest such as Acid indicators, structures of molecules etc. The assignment could then be diversified by allowing students to search for information from different websites -watch videos about acid and bases. They can then group together create a wiki for example which is website that allows its users to add, modify, or delete its content via a web browser sually using a simplified markup language or a rich-text editor. With this software, students can develop or design chemical fgures to show how certain acids or bases are formed. Moreover, they have access to data bases of their school where they can also look for more resources that are related to their topics. Finally, they can create a podcast which is video editing software that allows them to put to put together their findings and share it as a full length video in class. The possibilities are innumerable all thanks to technology, teacher, and student sense of creativity! To quote Edutopia, n on-line publication, Learning through projects while equipped with technology tools allows students to be intellectually challenged while providing them with a realistic snapshot of what the modern office looks like. Through projects, students acquire and refine their analysis and problem-solving skills as they work individually Another interesting and very important feature of technology in education is the Distance education also known as the e-learning. It is a method of education where student can study in their own time, at their own place (home, work, and library) and ithout an actual face-to-face interaction with a teacher. In addition, it is more flexible in terms of time and geographical position of an individual learner. They can be anywhere in the world and still attend classes in their own time. Meanwhile, severe changes have occurred in classroom nowadays. Nearly 60% of survey respondents say that professors will soon teach in more than one category. At NYUs top-ranked tax law program, for instance, classroom courses are videotaped with three cameras and an audio mixer. The course goes online within 30 minutes, says Mr. Delaney. Within 24 hours, students interested in reviewing a certain case or topic can click an online index that charts the content of the entire class and [can] view the portion that interests them. This has never happen before! Students have access to billion sources of information Just by typing a topi c whatsoever and click search. Due to technology that has been introduced to the education system, colleges have loosened a little bit and become more influencing on students passion to learn. For example, before technology, students were bound by classroom and library walls. They had no alternative. They had to go to libraries to read those heavy books in order to do their homework. Now thanks to technology, they have the choice whether they want to go to the libraries to do research or not. They have iPads, computers, and e-books which is also a tablet that can store millions of books. They only have to type the name of the book and it will pop up on their devices screen and they can Just read through line get the information they wanted. Overall, technology had really impacted education on all angles. It has change the traditional way that we use to learn also the way that teachers use to teach. It has nd always will play a very important role in our daily lives. Technology Paper StudyMode. com. 01 2009. 01 2009 . CHICAGO Technology Paper. StudyMode. com. 01, 2009. Accessed 01, 2009. http:// www. studymode. com/essays/Technology-Paper- 190598. html. BAUGEJA, Michael, Distraction in The Wireless Classroom, The Chronicle in Higher Education, http://chronicle. com, Jan 26 2007. A. W. BATES, Tony Technology, E- Learning and Distance Education, Second edition published in Feb 23, 2005. Mike S. Ribble and Gerald D. Bailey, T. H. E Journal Online, Monitoring Technology Misuse Abuse, Published on August 24, 2004

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Thats Like Me Essays - Cannabis, Herbalism, Medicinal Plants

That's Like Me Essays - Cannabis, Herbalism, Medicinal Plants That's Like Me Throughout history marijuana has been used to serve various purposes in many different cultures. The purposes have changed over time to fit in with the current lifestyles. This pattern is also true in American history. The use of marijuana has adapted to the social climate of the time. Marijuana, whose scientific name is cannibis sativa, was mentioned in historical manuscripts as early as 2700 B. C. in China. (Grolier Electronic Encyclopedia, 1995). The cultivation of the marijuana plant began as far back as the Jamestown settlers, around 1611, who used hemp produced from the marijuana plant's fibers to make rope and canvas. It was also used in making clothing because of it's durability. These uses fit in with the social climate of the time, because the main focus was on survival rather than for psychoactive purposes. During the prohibition, marijuana was widely used because of the scarcity of alcohol. Prohibition was repealed after just thirteen years while the prohibition against marijuana lasted for more than seventy five years. This double standard may have resulted from the wishes of those in power. Alcohol prohibition struck directly at tens of millions of Americans of all ages, including many of societies most powerful members. Marijuana prohibition threatened far fewer Americans, and they had relatively little influence in the districts of power. Only the prohibition of marijuana, which some sixty million Americans have violated since 1965 has come close to approximating the prohibition experience, but marijuana smokers consist mostly of young and relatively powerless Americans (American Heritage, pg 47). Alcohol prohibition was repealed and marijuana prohibition was retained, not because scientists had proved that alcohol was the less dangerous of the various psychoactive drugs, but because of the prejudices and preferences of most Americans (American Heritage, pg 47). In 1937 the government issued the Marijuana Tax Act, which levied a dollar an ounce tax on marijuana, coupled with fines of $2,000 for drug posession and jail sentences for evasion of the tax. For this reason marijuana use in the United States appears to have gone into decline in the late 30's (Grolier Wellness Encyclopedia, pg 54). Then marijuana was outlawed in 1937 as a repressive measure against Mexican workers who crossed the border seekingjobs during the Depression. The specific reason given for the outlawing of the hemp plant was it's supposed violent effect on the degenerate races (Schaffer, pg. 86). Beginning in the 60's marijuana use saw a resurgence which may be attributed to many causes. One of the main causes was the rebellion of youth against the Vietnam War. They used marijuana as an escape from war to peace. It was easy at this time to depict marijuana as a beneficial and completely harmless substance whose effects were far less harmful than those of legal drugs such as alcohol and nicotine because there was not enough scientific research done during the 60's (Grolier Wellness Encyclopedia, pg 54). Another cause may have been the discovery of the psychoactive component of marijuana- tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known as THC. Users found the relation between the doses and the effects (Grolier Electronic Publishing, 1995). The current atmosphere provides for doctors to suggest synthetic marijuana (THC) in a pure and standardized form by perscription (called Marinol) for the treatment of nausea associated with cancer chemotherapy. Also, although there is no scientific evidence that shows marijuana is beneficial in the treatment of glaucoma, it may prevent the progression of visual loss. Marijuana, along with alcohol and a host of other substances, can actually lower intraocular eye pressure. The mediction however, must be carefully tailored to the individual to prevent further eye damage. The evidence has clearly shown that marijuana has been around for a great deal of time and has served multiple purposes throughout history.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Rhetorical Analysis Assignment - Essay Example Rhetorical Analysis Assignment If I present alone, I shall handle the whole topic. We had initially presented as a group privately in preparation for a thorough presentation to the audience. Further to that we allocated our roles in a random manner since everyone in the group had a good grasp of the entire topic of rhetoric analysis of the website selected. The intention of the memo is to make the audience understand how rhetorical analysis is done. I intend to present my memo to my audience in a clear and understandable way. I have chosen to analyze:, which is an Addidas company website. Everyone will concur with me that they like Addidas brands. Because this website is simple and accessible to everybody interested in the Addidas brands, the websites provoke those interested in the company and instills in them an urge to use the company products ( 2012. However, it achieves its purpose partially but there is still a chance to capture more users of the website. This will be achieva ble if the corporation alters the background of the homepage to be bright and captivating. By doing this, they will capture more youths who happens to be the main proprietors of Addidas products. It is commonly referred to as Logos. The intention of this is to form a cognitive response. Example is if an individual has never visited the website, they will be able to easily understand how to use the website. In this text, the homepage of the website is only designed and is made up of several features.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Management Production Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Management Production Management - Essay Example They are arranged in a sequence manner such that there is will be flow of work from one level to another until the final product is produced. (Lee, 1997) In franchising, a person with an idea for business (the franchisor) agrees to sell to another person (the franchisee) the rights to use his business name, provide a service to someone else or even sell a product. The parties involved usually bind them through a contractual provision and enter a franchise agreement. control in the area of protection. However, some franchise agreements normally do not provide area protection to the franchisee since there is lack of correspondence in bargaining power between franchisors and franchisees. Franchising usually offers franchisees a great advantage to start a business quickly thereby relieving them the problem of starting a business from a scratch and building the brand name that may take time. When the brand and formula are well designed, franchisors expand their brand rapidly across the continent thereby reaping massive profits as franchisee the hard work of dealing with customers. Franchises have an advantage also to the customers as they offer a consistent product or service. (Howard, 1996) By simply observing the layout and design of a company's production facility, one can easily learn the company's culture. ... Franchises have an advantage also to the customers as they offer a consistent product or service. (Howard, 1996) d) What one learns about a company's culture by observing the layout and design of its production facility By simply observing the layout and design of a company's production facility, one can easily learn the company's culture. Observing the layout and design in the production unit, one can easily learn the company's' culture since one sees how the workers as specifically behaving and the production activities therein. For this case, the unique behaviors that have been identified by employees of that company can be known and their production process. How the production facility has been designed and laid down, one can deduce the behaviors of the workers from it. Part 2 1. Top two ways in which culture and cultural differences interact with the notion of motivation. Culture and cultural differences interact with the notion of motivation. Culture which the particular behavior that has been identified by a group people while the cultural differences are the notable difference between two groups such as traditions, language and mode of dressing. The interaction between and cultural differences brings motivation among the group since one is eager to learn a different culture in order for him to equip himself with that unique knowledge which is rare in his own culture. The basic idea for this kind of an interaction is to ensure that people involved are always motivated in their areas of operation. This is so because, it breaks the monotony as they switch to something new. For one to be motivated, one has to satisfy his needs as satisfied need do not influence one's behavior but unsatisfied needs do influence one behavior. (Deci and Ryan, 1985) 2.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Language The monster Essay Example for Free

Language The monster Essay The setting makes the reader feel tense because the bad weather in chapter 5 gives the reader the idea that there is a sense that the atmosphere is very ominous and this gives the impression that something bad is going to happen, this type of omen gives the reader a tense feeling because it gives the reader an opportunity to pre-empt the fact that soon the tension will break and it will break into some kind of bad happening. An example of this is when in chapter 5 where there is a slight description of what is happening around the room, and outside the room the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out this gives the impression to the reader that something big is soon to happen, because when your candle burnt out, you cant see anything. Pathetic Fallacy is when someone gives inanimate features to an inanimate object, for example if you were to talk to a cushion as though it was a real person. Pathetic Fallacy gives the reader thee impression that Victor within chapter 5 feels very isolated and cannot talk to anyone, this is because he doesnt want to tell anyone about his creation. Language The monster is described as having yellow skin and having a shrivelled complexion and straight black lips this explains that Victors creation has human features but they are presented in an inhuman way. The way that this creation is described is in the way that it isnt human but it is a monster. This connotes that the monster is rather frightening to think about with his yellow skin and to think it is human is very scary. Victor thinks of his monster as scary and intimidating, although in chapter 5 Victors creation doesnt actually do anything to Victor, he does actually run away from him when faced with him. One hand was stretched out, seemingly to detain me, but I escaped and rushed downstairs. This at this point of the story shows us that the monster is a bad thing to behold, that it was intending to seek revenge on Victor, but as the reader we dont know really what is happening. Also we dont actually know if Victors creation is actually as it says in the quote trying to detain me because he may be twisting the readers point of view, because of Victor being the narrator for most of the novel The reader associates monsters and devils with Victors monster because within chapter 5 when the monster is created. In the quote below gives a clear example of the creation being linked with omens and portents, when, by the dim and yellow light of the moon, as it forced its way through the window shutters, I beheld the wretch. This gives the impression that the creation is a sign of evil that is associated by the moon omen, because as well earlier in the chapter Victor claimed that the monsters eyes appeared to be yellow like the moon. The full moon omen is an association with evil because it is supposed that when the full moon comes out all you can hear is the howling of a werewolf and that is a sign of evil The effect of oxymorons helps the reader with the description of Victors monster in chapter 5 for example but these luxuries only formed a more horrific contrast with his watery eyes this quote is saying that victor made tried making his monster with beautiful characteristics but then says that these beautiful characteristics came out wrong with his watery eyes. This explains why Victor escapes from his creation later on in the chapter; he looks at the monsters hideous features and doesnt take into account his interior. Victor within chapter 5 uses the fact that he is the narrator to his advantage, because of this Victor can say anything about the monster he wants and because he is the narrator the reader will believe this one hand stretched out, seemingly to detain me this is a prime example of manipulating the reader at this point, because the narrator says seemingly to detain me everyone believes it. This has an intriguing effect on the audience because the first thing you do as a reader is believe everything that the narrator says , however in this sense the narrator is can be very manipulative and can take advantage of what the reader may know or may not know. This is different to what victor originally thought of his monster, originally Victor thought that his monster would be a good idea because it is an original idea and everyone would praise him for the thing he had created, then if it turned out well then even more praise would come his way. Although I possessed the capacity of bestowing animation, yet to prepare a frame for the reception of it this is showing that victor thought of creating animation as a good idea and that he couldnt wait to put it into practice. Originally Victor thought of his creation as a excellent idea and he wanted to be the inventor of a revolutionary idea, Victor wanted to be like god in a way, however as we find out through chapter 5 he doesnt even want the credit for his invention There is an ammount of symbolism within chapter 5, for instance the idea that Victor created life from nothing is symbolic to religion and how god apparently created everything from nothing from his own power. I collected the instruments of life around me this gi-ves the impression that victor thinks of himself as a god-like person, that maybe he thought after creating this he would be known in history. Conclusion I think that Mary Shelly did meet her aim to curdle the blood and quicken the beatings of the heart because the novel always keeps the reader on edge all of the time, the reader never knows what is coming next. For its time I think that the novel was rather frightening for its time because at that time no-one knew anything that we know in modern day science, so this novel would be what is called sci-fi in the modern day. Today of all the people that still read this novel they still find it a fascinating read because it is quite sci-fi like even to us now, we may now know that you wont make life out of dead bodies using galvanism but it is still interesting.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Explain details about word processing.

Explain details about word processing. Q.N. 1 a. Explain Details about Word Processing. Answer: Word Processing is the essential tools for creation of documents. There are various type of computer program that process on words available in market, but most popular application is Microsoft Word. Microsoft Words ease of use has made World one of the most widely used word processing application currently on the market since it allows for compatibility across multiple computers as well as collaborative feature. Word is fairly simple program to use for completing simple tasks. Let us consider an office scene. Many letters are typed in the office. The officer dictates a letter. The typist first types a draft copy of the letter. The officer goes through it to check mistakes regarding spelling errors, missing words, etc. and suggests corrections. The typist changes the letter as suggested by the officer. This is a simple example of word processing. Not only that, Word processing also refers to editing the document, creating the document and printing the document. The document is the combination of letters, sentence, symbol, graphs, chart and pictures. If we, creates such type of document using computer application then it is called word processing. There are various types of computer programs that manipulate word and pictures, but most popular word processing is Microsoft Word. Notepad, Word Pad is also types of word Processing but while comparing the facility that provides to work on document, Microsoft word is best word processor in now a day. Not only that, there are many software packages to do the job of word processing. Some of them work in DOS environment. Examples are WordStar, Word Perfect and Professional Write. But in these days working in WINDOWS is becoming more and more popular. So let us consider software for word processing which works in WINDOWS. Our choice is MSWORD because it is the most popular software in these days. Opening Word processing MS-WORD To run word on our computer: we have to go on â€Å"Start Button† >> â€Å" Programs†>> â€Å"Microsoft Office† >> â€Å"Microsoft Office Word 2003†. If there is an icon of the MS-WORD available on our desktop, we can open up the program by double clicking it, as well. Making New Document. When we open new word, then a new document is automatically opened, which is ready for making the new document. If not, then we can begin a new blank document in a variety of ways. Firstly, we have to fine the â€Å" New Blank Document† icon, which looks like a blank sheet of paper, located under the menu bar in MS-Word in what is called the â€Å" Standard Toolbar†. Click on that icon and we found new document. Opening a Document. To open to edit, view or print document, we must first open up that file in word sheet. We can open a file by clicking on the â€Å"Open† folder icon located in the standard toolbar, or simply pre CTRL+O. Saving Document. When we are working in any sort of media in any software, we should first save our work in some devices. In MS-WORD, there are various option for saving documents in a variety of file types. To Save a new, or editing file or unsaved document, we can click Save icon, shaped like a disk located on standard toolbar. Or simply we press CTRL+S. Then a dialogue box will appear, offering us for file name, location of the file, file type and others option. There are various things about word processing, but most of the common things are described above.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Marketing scenario

Positioned as an premium offering focused to lowest overall cost to end users through superior overall performance. Leader in quality , performance and technological innovation Product lines Carton sealing and industrial tapes Specialized adhesives Other packaging products SKI tape – Manufactured using patented technology and a brand name for pressure sensitive carton sealing tapeEvery high tensile strength and sheer resistance Positioning High Price K Products Low Quality High Quality ‘pack Tensile New Product Low Price Problem Statement ; K tape competed against inferior economy grade products in carton sealing type ; ‘PACK offered 25-35% lesser price ; Revenue of K- $68. 6 million ‘PACK – $28. 5 million 2012 ; Tensile -a new competitor had $2. 7 million dollar sale with one sales representative Should SST stay with high quality product or enter the economy grade segment ?Option 1: Enter the economy grade segment under the same brand PROS Access to t he economy segment Defend market share against competition Diversification of product portfolio CONS Dilution of the brand image as a maker of technological superior product Conceptualization of its own product offering Accoutered product line Option 2: Enter the economy grade segment under different brand Implications for: Customer ; Ability to fulfill need of price sensitive customers ; Possibility of change in perception of being a quality leaderDistributor ; Possibility to offer a low end SST product ; Even wider product range; Limited sales force Sales Force ; Ability to offer more variety in terms of price levels ; More effort to explain product differences Brand ; No positive impact ; Negative impact on brand image Option 2: Stay with high-quality products ; Maintaining image of quality Leader ; Loss of Market share; Not targeting price sensitive consumers ; No need for adjustment in distribution policy.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Discuss Mr. Collins’ Proposal to Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austen’s Novel ‘Pride & Prejudice’ Essay

‘It is a truth acknowledged, that a man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife’ This quote not only opens the novel, but also sets the tone of the narrative story. It says that a man in possession of money and being an eligible bachelor would have every spinster in the neighbourhood wanting to be his wife In the nineteenth century women were below men in status. Men owned everything. After the death of the master of the house all his possessions were given to the next male relative. In the novel as there were only five daughters Jane, Elizabeth, Kitty, Mary and Lydia and no males in the immediate family, so their mother, Mrs. Bennet, as she is called in the novel is determined to get her daughters married as soon as possible. When the Bennet family received the letter from Mr.Collins, which included the words, ‘.. Assure you of my readiness to make them every possible amends, but of this hereafter’ this shows that Mr. Collins was hinting that he is looking for a wife. When Mrs. Bennet read this she was pleased at the news. When the daughters heard of his visit, they were not as pleased as their mother, ‘ He must be an oddity†¦ I cannot make him out†¦ The is something very pompous in his style.’ They also added that in his letter there was a mixture of servility and self-importance. Elizabeth was stuck with his extraordinary deference to Lady Catherine de Bourgh, his patroness. Mr.Collins visited the family with the sole purpose of finding a wife, in his letter he states, ‘ I feel it my duty to promote and establish the blessing of peace in all families..’ this is just an excuse to come to Longbourn because he really wanted to ‘admire’ the girls and propose to one of them. Mr.Collins didn’t really want to get married, it was actually his patroness; Lady Catherine de Bourgh who had recommend, advised or rather orders him to marry and wished to comply with her wishes. When Mr.Collins arrived, out of all the sisters only Mary thought anything of him but everyone else found faults in him. Mrs.Bennet also had the same opinions as her daughter, she knew he would be a suitable husband for one of her daughters because he knew Lady Catherine and lived near her. When he arrives D he wished to propose to the eldest daughter, Jane, but soon found out she was to be engaged to Mr.Bingly. Mr.Collins had only to change from Jane to Elizabeth and it was, ‘Done while Mrs.Bennet was stirring the fire’ Mr.Collins obviously didn’t have true feelings towards Jane or Elizabeth, since he was able to change his mind so quickly. He obviously only wanted to please his patroness. Elizabeth was very intelligent, independent and her interests in many different things like reading, playing the piano, singing, needlework and dancing. She believed marriage had to have an element of love and not just wealth like her mother believed. When Mr.Collins proposed to her, as a reader we knew that she had an independent mind. In the proposal, Mr.Collins made it quite obvious that the proposal was more of a business transaction and he asked for a chance to speak with Elizabeth, ‘May I hope, madam, for your interest with your fair Elizabeth, when I solicit for a private audience with her..’ before Elizabeth could even blush with surprise, Mrs.Bennet instantly answered. Elizabeth begged her mother not to go, but Mrs.Bennet obviously knew what Mr.Collins had in mind and insisted that she stayed with Mr.Collins. At this time Mr.Collins really thought she was being shy and modest tried to add it to a compliant, ‘.. your modesty, so far from doing disservice, rather adds to your perfections.’ Elizabeth would have had a clear idea that he was about to propose to her. Mr.Collins started off staying, ‘Almost as soon as I entered the house, I singled you out as the companion of my future life.’ This was not true to the reader, as the truth is that he was going to propose to the eldest daughter, Miss Jane Bennet, but when he heard the news of her engagement he changed to Elizabeth. Mr.Collins then came out with his first reason for his proposal, ‘†¦first that I think it a right thing for every clergyman in easy circumstances (like myself) to set the example of matrimony in the parish;’ This shows he obviously wants to marry her to set a good example to his parish, it also this shows her doesn’t care about her, but what Lady Catherine de Bourgh wishes and his reputation. He then states, ‘..secondly, that I am convinced it will add very greatly to my happiness;..’ Once again he is showing that he thinks marriage will bring him happiness, he has no idea that marriage is suppose to be about being in love, trust, companionship and getting to know each other beforehand. ‘.. and thirdly-which perhaps I ought to have mentioned earlier, that it is the particular advice and recommendation of the very noble lady whom I have the honour of calling patroness.’ This is actually the only true reason that he wants to marry her, to please Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Mr.Collins is frightened of not complying with her wishes. He sees her suggestion as an order or a command and he would never disobey her because he is very aware of her superior rank in the society, this shows him to be cowardly, weak and rather silly man who can be easily intimidated. He wants Elizabeth to see Lady Catherine’s advice and recommendation as her wanting to see Mr.Collins happy, settled down and to carry on working for her. He then went on and tried to compliment Elizabeth and make her see that Lady Catherine will welcome her into her estate. In his reasons for the proposal he had no references to Elizabeth’s happiness which showed how self-centred he really was. The connection that she could have with Lady Catherine and show she could boast about knowing a person of high status, was the real reason that he could give her for accepting the proposal. This showed how little he knew about Elizabeth’s personality, as this reason would not have meant anything to her. Elizabeth would bot feel inferior to people of higher rank in society. Mr.Collins then went on about how she would have pressure to wed when she gets to her late twenties, ‘ As I am to inherit this estate after the death of your honoured (who, however may live for many years), I could not satisfy myself without resolving to chuse a wife among his daughters, that the loss to them might be as little as possible.’ This comment was to persuade Elizabeth’s decision and make her feel guilty if she was to refuse his proposal, because her unmarried sisters and mother would have nothing if they were made to move out of their home. He was certain she would accept his proposal when he used his persuasive comment because he thought himself was a worthy choice, that he was already making plans for their married life, ‘you may assure yourself that no ungenerous reproach shall ever pass my lips when we are married.’ Elizabeth found it necessary to interrupt him by telling him that she hasn’t given him an answer and politely. Mr.Collins being so full of self-importance saw he refusal as a way to make him more passionate, ‘It is usual with young ladies to reject the address of the man whom they secretly mean to accept.’ Elizabeth was not that type of girl to lead a man on or to keep him waiting and stated she was not the girl who would have been foolish enough to risk her future happiness on the chance of being asked again by someone she truly loved and Mr.Collins failed to see that, ‘I cannot therefore by no means discouraged by what you have just said, and shall hope to lead you to the altar ere long.’ Elizabeth tried to make it even clearer, without being rude and even added that Lady Catherine would not approve of her independent mind and he would not want to upset his patroness by choosing an inappropriate partner. Even when Elizabeth gives him these reasons for refusal he still continues, ‘I cannot imagine that her ladyship would at all disapprove of you’ The reader will know that he has once again mis-judged her character. Later on in the novel Elizabeth and Lady Catherine are introduced to each other. Lady Catherine clearly despises Elizabeth’s outspoken manner and lack of awe. Elizabeth, getting annoyed by the lack by his persistence still behaved as a young lady and had to remain polite and assure him that he could only leave Longbourn feeling he has done his duty. ‘In making me the offer, you must satisfied the delicacy of your feelings with regard to my family.’ She then went to leave the room, thinking he had finally understood her, but Mr.Collins was persistent and had not understand why she refused such a great and wonderful proposal, as he thought himself eligible and worthy husband. He tried once again to change her mind, ‘My situation in life, my connection with the family of de Bourgh and my relationship to your own, are circumstances of high favour’. Mr.Collins the greatly insulted her, as she was just to leave the room, ‘it is by no means certain, that another offer of marriage may be ever be made to you’ , but as a reader we know that that is certainly not true.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Anatomy and Physiology essays

Anatomy and Physiology essays One of the functions of respiration is powering of the speech production mechanism. It provides energy source for oral communication. When the volume of the chest cavity increases/expands, air is inhaled into the lungs by the way of either the mouth or nose and trachea. An increase in the volume of the chest may be affected through a downward, contracting movement of the diaphragm; through an upward, outward movement of the lower ribs; or through a combination of both. The volume of the chest cavity increases as the air pressure decreases or the volume of the chest cavity decreases as the air pressure increases (Boyles Law). In breathing for ordinary life processes, the periods of inhalation and exhalation are approximately equal. Breathing for speech, however, usually requires a longer period of exhalation than that of inhalation. Manner of production refers to the way the speech mechanism modifies the voiced or voiceless air stream. For voiced sounds, the vocal cords are he ld together by the action of the arytenoid cartilages, but they are held together less tightly than for a glottal stop. When air is forced up the trachea from the lungs, at a certain pressure it is able to force its way through the vocal folds, pushing them open. As air passes through the glottis, the air pressure in the glottis falls, because when a gas or liquid runs through a constricted passage, its velocity increases. This increase in velocity results in a drop in pressure of that gas or liquid (The Bernoulli Principle). Because of the drop in pressure, the vocal folds snap together, at the lower edge first, closing again. We perceive variations in the overall rate of vibration as changes in the pitch of the voice. For unvoiced sounds the vocal folds are abducted. Air can flow between them without being obstructed, so that no noise is produced by the larynx. If there is a sufficiently high rate of airflow through the open glottis, a qui...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay Essay Example

Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay Essay Example Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay Essay Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay Essay Throughout this essay. I will be discoursing the passage of adolescence. This passage is a phase of development between childhood and maturity. from approximately 12 to 20 old ages of age. This passage from childhood to maturity is smooth for some but unsmooth for others ( Caspi. 2000 ) . This essay will discourse predictable and non-predictable elements of the passage. Health in adolescence issues this involves drugs A ; alcohol maltreatment and sexually familial infections ( STIs ) are classified as unpredictable elements. Physical Development ( organic structure growing and physical alterations during adolescence ) or Puberty and Cognitive Development are classified as a predictable component during the passage. It will besides research the impact on relationships and constructs of ego for individuals set abouting the passage. Furthermore. it will consider the parts of modern-day and seminal writers to depict the differences between the two yesteryear and nowadayss authors/researcher’s theories in apprehension of the adolescence life passages. Another factor that will be discussed is the construct of ego during the passage. and so eventually it will comprehensively explicate the importance for nurses to understand the adolescence passage. : A. The importance of predictable and unpredictable elements in Adolescence passages will help in placing the important alterations in every life event passage. Furthermore. it will besides profit in back uping stripling to run into ambitious alterations throughout the passage. The first predictable component is puberty the biological passage of adolescence. the most noticeable mark of being an stripling. Theoretically. pubescence refers as a corporate term to mention to all the physical alterations that occur in the turning miss or male child as the single base on ballss from childhood into maturity ( Habermas A ; Bluck. 2000 ) . In boys a major alteration is the increased production of testosterone. a male sex endocrine. while girls experience increased production of the female endocrine oestrogen ( Dedovic. Wadiwalla. Engert. A ; Pruessner. 2009 ) . In boys a major alteration is the increased production of testosterone. a male sex endocrine. while girls experience increased production of the female endocrine oestrogen ( Carpentier A ; Fortenberry. 2010 ) . Internally. through the development of chief sexual features. striplings become capable of sexual reproduction. Externally. as secondary sexual features appear. misss and male childs begin to look like mature adult females and work forces. In boys primary and secondary sexual features normally emerge in a predictable order. with the rapid growing of the testicles and scrotum. accompanied by the visual aspect of pubic hair. In ulterior old ages. it will get down the growing of facial and body hair. and a gradual lowering of the voice. Around mid-adolescence internal alterations begin doing a male child capable of bring forthing and blurt outing sperm. In misss. sexual features develop in a less regular sequence. Normally. the first mark of pubescence is a little lift of the chests. but sometimes this is preceded by the visual aspect of pubic hair. In adolescent misss. internal sexual alterations include ripening of the womb. vagina. and other parts of the generative system. Menarche ( Cochrane. 1993 ) . Regular ovulation and the ability to transport a babe to full term normally follow menarche by several old ages. The 2nd predictable component is Cognitive Development passage a 2nd component of the transition through adolescence is a cognitive passage ( Champion A ; Collins. 2010 ) . Compared to kids. striplings think in ways that are more advanced. more efficient. and by and large more complex. Adolescence persons become better able than kids to believe about what is possible. alternatively of restricting their idea to what is existent. Whereas children’s thought is oriented to the here and now- that is. to things and events that they can detect straight. striplings are able to see what they observe against a background of what is possible- they can believe hypothetically. Second. during the transition into adolescence. persons become better able to believe about abstract thoughts. This is clearly seen in the adolescent’s increased installation and involvement in believing about interpersonal relationships. political relations. doctrine. faith. and morality- topics that involve such abstract constructs as friendly relationship. religion. democracy. equity. and honestness. Third. during adolescence persons begins believing more frequently about the procedure of believing itself. or metacognition. As a consequence. striplings may expose increased self-contemplation and uneasiness. Although betterments in metacognitive abilities provide of import rational advantages. one potentially negative by merchandise of these progresss is the inclination for striplings to develop a kind of egoism. or intense preoccupation with the ego. Acute adolescent egoism sometimes leads adolescents to believe that others are invariably watching and measuring them. much as an audience glues its attending to an histrion on a phase. Whereas kids tend to believe about things one facet at a clip. striplings can see things through more complicated lenses. Adolescents describe themselves and others in more differentiated and complicated footings and happen it easier to look at jobs from multiple positions. The unpredictable elements are wellness related issues in adolescence are alcohol and other drug usage. Experiment with psychotropic substance is widespread during adolescence. Psychoactive substances are of course happening or unreal stuffs that act on the nervous system. changing perceptual experiences. tempers and behavior. They range from of course happening substances. such as intoxicant. which is produced from the agitation of works sugars by barm. to designer drugs such as ecstasy. Most teenager experiment with different substances. representing substance usage and in some individual’s experimentation escalates into accustomed or perennial usage known as substance maltreatment. They besides engaged in â€Å"binge drinking† which originating in recent old ages. Binge imbibing is defined as the back-to-back consumption of five or more standard drinks in less than two hours. Other factors of unpredictable wellness issues is sexually familial infections. adolescent sexual behavior may enforce a important wellness hazard to adolescents through a scope of sexually transmitted infections ( STIs ) . Sexually familial infections are bacterial and viral infections that enter the organic structure via the mucose membranes of the oral cavity and the sex organs following physical contact. Sexually transmitted infection includes pox. gonorrhea. venereal lice. itchs. chlamydia. herpes. venereal warts. hepatitis and HIV/AIDS. The ground for the high rates of STIs in striplings is that this age group is more prone to sexual experimentation and hazardous sexual behaviors than other age groups. Hazardous sexual behavior includes unprotected sexual activity without utilizing barriers such as rubbers. sexual activity affecting multiple spouses and sexual activity affecting spouses whose sexual is unknown. B. The impact on relationships and constructs of ego for individuals set abouting the passage is established by a personal individuality a cardinal undertaking of adolescence is successful declaration of Erikson’s psychosocial crisis of individuality versus function confusion. Identify formation involves selectively incorporating some facets of earlier childhood individuality and flinging others. Successful declaration of the individuality crisis of adolescence depends on the chances to experiment with different societal functions and activities. Individual differences place accomplishment are due to civilization. gender functions. equal influences. rearing manners and life fortunes experienced by striplings. which may increase or diminish chances for geographic expedition. Self-concept is based on more abstract beliefs and values than the concrete and comparative thoughts of ego during childhood. Increased of perspective-taking ability may uncover ‘true’ and ‘false’ egos in relation to interactions with different people. but this can reflect positive experimentation with different functions that contribute to self-concept. Self-esteem lessenings significantly between child self-concept and mid- adolescence. and more dramatically for misss than for male childs. The sex differences is likely anchored to sex-role differences. greater organic structure image dissatisfaction in misss than in male childs. and the differential encouragement to dignity that romantic relationships bring to adolescent male childs and misss. Parent –child relationships become less asymmetrical term s of the balance of power during adolescence compared with childhood. as a consequence of adolescent’s push for liberty. There are broad single differences in the grade of liberty achieved by striplings. depending on rearing manners and cultural and gender based norms and attitude. During adolesce. close same-sex coteries and larger. looser mergers of several coteries called crow. Cliques and crowds provide the background for new cross-sex interaction. including romantic relationships. Peer group conformance within coteries seeks out different sorts of advice and support from both parents and equals. Nonetheless. for minority uneffective parenting and influenced with a incorrect crowd will see a condemnable calling. worsen the preexistent interpersonal troubles that predispose stripling to force and being a pack members in the society. Bullying is besides common in the society particularly teens in primary and high school. it can impact the psychosocial development of a individual. Positive peer relationships include same-sex friendly relationships that are high in familiarity and common support are both indispensable in bridging to a successful romantic relationships which may besides get down during adolescence. During adolescence. most persons experience their first sexual intercourse. The age when this occurs is going earlier. depending on gender. cultural restraints and equal influences. Sexual minority position –lesbians. homosexual or bisexual may present extra challenges to place formation and sexual ripening during adolescence. C. The part of past and present writers and researcher’s in understanding towards the adolescent life passages has huge alterations in clip. Harmonizing to Kohlberg’s theory ( Benenson. Tennyson. A ; Wrangham. 2011 ) extended Piaget’s work on moral development during the 1960’s utilizations male protagonist merely as an illustrations of his theories which contradicts Carol Gilligan’s writer of her popular book. â€Å"In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development† ( 1982 ) . suggested that Kohlberg’s theories were biased against adult females. as lone males were used in his surveies. By listening to women’s experiences. Gilligan offered that a morality of attention can function in the topographic point of the morality of justness and rights espoused by Kohlberg. In her position. the morality of lovingness and duty is premised in passive resistance. while the morality of justness and rights is based on equality. ( Gilligan. 1982 ) . DecisionAs we discussed the chief points of being adolescence it embodies the importance. relevancy and impact of a peculiar life event passage. Adolescence is a distinguishable phase that marks the passage between childhood and maturity. Adolescents are capable of abstract concluding. Although you may still include the household in instruction. striplings themselves are a major focal point of learning since they have considerable independency and are. accordingly. in more control of the grade to which recommendations will be carried out. Adolescents have many of import developmental undertakings to accomplish. They are in the procedure of organizing their ain individuality. dividing themselves from parents. and accommodating to quickly altering organic structures. Bodily alterations at pubescence may do a strong involvement in bodily maps and visual aspect. Sexual accommodation and a strong desire to show sexual impulses become of import. Adolescents may hold trouble conceive ofing that they can go ill or injured. This may lend to accidents due to put on the line taking or hapless conformity in following medical recommendations. Because striplings have a strong natural preoccupation with visual aspect and have a high demand for peer support and credence. wellness recommendations that they view as interfering with their construct of themselves as independent existences may be less likely to be followed. Therefore. as sexual accommodation and strong sexual impulses characterize this age. the nurse may make important learning about sex instruction and contraceptive method. In add-on to learning striplings about why and how their organic structures are altering. the nurse is besides in a good place to chase away misconceptions immature patients may hold about sexual development or sexual behavior. Teaching striplings about gender requires a particular sensitiveness and apprehension. Respect for the patient’s modestness. privateness. and sentiments are critical to set uping an ambiance of openness and trust. In add-on to sex instruction. other of import patient learning countries are alcohol and drug maltreatment and general wellness steps. such as the importance of good nutrition and exercising as the footing for life-long wellness. Regardless of the subject. wellness instruction for striplings is more effectual when the nurse establishes trust by esteeming the adolescent’s needs. shows empathic apprehension. and replies inquiries candidly. Patient learning for striplings should take the signifier of counsel instead than talking. Nurses who gain credibleness with an adolescent patient set up themselves as the teen-ager’s advocator instead than representatives of the parents. The nurse may increase wellness learning effectivity by including the household. The nurse can give counsel and support to household members that can assist them understand and esteem adolescent behavior. Parents should be encouraged to put realistic bounds for striplings while still leting them to go progressively responsible for their ain wellness attention direction.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Women in camps Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Women in camps - Essay Example Jewish women had to suffer from brutal torture for being female. They were kept naked, and were beaten. Their heads were shaven off. Pregnant women and those who had little children were not selected to work, and were left to die. The Nazis conducted medical experiments on them forcefully. They were given involuntary sterilizations and forced abortions. â€Å"At least 40,000 people were forcefully sterilized, with 5,500 women dying after being sterilized,† states Avraham (2014, par.2). Although Nazis had passed legislation against any sort of sexual relations with Jewish women, yet they would rape them on regular basis after abducting them from streets. They were subjected to forced labor and sexual abuse. Some of them were also sent to Nazi brothels forcefully where they were subjected to rape and sexual assault. Men and women were forced into Philippine concentration camps during the Philippine-American war in early 1900s. They were promised that they would be provided food and security, but they suffered from the worst genocide and torture. Women suffered from starvation and disease. â€Å"By the end of the war, it was reported that 27,927 Boers (of whom 26,251 were women and children, of which 22,074 were children under 16) had died of starvation, disease and exposure† (, 2014, par.4). Malaria, cholera and dysentery were the main killers. Where males were buried alive and suffocated to death using water cure torture, women were left to die of disease and malnutrition. The Cuban Holocaust saw genocide in Cuban concentration camps in 1896-97 during the Spanish-American war. â€Å"The concentration camps contained more women, children, and the aged†¦they also died of malnutrition and disease,† states Perez (2006, p.197). Women sent the male members of their families to the war willingly despite knowing that they would be left without protection. The Spanish had claimed that they would look after them

Friday, November 1, 2019

Labor Boss Sees Racism in Romney Welfare Attacks Essay - 1

Labor Boss Sees Racism in Romney Welfare Attacks - Essay Example In preparation for the upcoming presidential election in the United States, Schlesinger has purposely written and published this article to make his target audiences realize that racism still exists in the U.S. politics. According to Schlesinger, Hoffa revealed that the Republicans’ â€Å"race baiting† attack on President Obama is just one kind of political strategy used to manipulate the voters’ decision on who to vote for in the upcoming presidential election (Schlesinger). By letting the target audiences know about the racism strategy used by the Republicans, the author could somehow remind the people to disregard the presidential candidates’ color and race when choosing the best candidate for the upcoming U.S. presidential election. To be able to determine what racism is really all about, it is necessary to define the term â€Å"racism†. According to Fredrickson (189), racism can be defined as â€Å"the doctrine that a man’s behavior is determined by stably inherited characters deriving from separate racial stocks and usually considered to stand to one another in relations of superiority and inferiority.† It means that racism is all about developing an ideology that makes men become prejudiced against another person due to their racial differences. During the class discussion, it was mentioned that there is a strong racial discrimination that is going on between the white and black Americans. In most cases, it is the white Americans that are considered more superior as compared to the black Americans. Since it is the white Americans who have a higher status in the society, it is the black Americans who are often at a disadvantage when it comes to political agenda. This partly explains why James Hoffa has been defending President Obama from the Romney-Ryan’s group and the Republicans. In class, it was mentioned that the U.S. historical trend, common beliefs, and practices have something to do with racis m. For example, based on the U.S. history, it is the African Americans (blacks) who once became the slaves. For this reason, a lot of the white Americans have developed the wrong perception that the African Americans are less superior in terms of knowledge, power, and financial capabilities as compared to them. In reality, there are some African Americans who are better than the white Americans in terms of knowledge, fame, and financial capabilities. Despite the continuous promotion of diversity in the school, there are still people who are unconsciously being racist. With regards to the case of Obama’s administration, a lot of people are continuously blaming him for the downfall of the U.S. economy. Is the U.S. experiencing a slow economic growth simply because America is being ruled under the leadership of the first black American president? Would the process of having a white American president be enough to make this country regain its economic stability in both the domest ic and international market? Or is it because most people in America have failed to develop their knowledge and skills in accordance to what is being in demand in both domestic and the world market? Based on the real-life scenarios presented in this paper, it is clear that the presence of racism could only disrupt the peace and order in our society.Â